Here at Smartlink, we are always looking for ways to help our customers stay ahead of their competition.

According to a recent article on BizBash, there are a handful of trends in tradeshow booths that are noteworthy. The truth is, we always want the latest and greatest gadgets, right? But, we also need to stick with what works best for us. It’s easy to get carried away with the latest and greatest.

All these new trends fall into four different areas. By highlighting these areas, we can help you make more informed choices about where to budget for all those fancy new trends!

The Four Trending Areas

Instead of spending your next trade show comparing your booth to everyone else’s, you can stay ahead of your competition by paying attention to these four areas.

  1. Technology. Tracking technologies continue to grow. And, many exhibitors are leaning toward electronic picture frames to display product information. It saves money, space, and it’s reusable!

  2. Engagement. If you have a clear understanding of what post-show actions you want your customers to take and how you will take them there, you are way ahead of the curve. Engaging social media campaigns are a great way to lead customers to the next step. And then, you can create a booth that allows for the perfect environment for your potential clients to hear your story!

  3. Budget. Money is tighter these days. We are seeing smaller, more efficient exhibits, with increased attention to ROI. Budgets should be spent on your active brand and product engagement and your specific target audience. Don’t sign up for a trade show just because you are worried that your competition is going.

  4. Design. For a while, white was the go-to color for displays. Light wood finishes are making a comeback. It sets a warmer tone and gives it more of an inviting feel.

The whole point of a great trade show exhibit is to invite potential buyers into a space where they can hear your unique story… and buy it!

Let Smartlink Help You Set New Trends

We are here to help with all your display and exhibit needs - from table cloths and banners to car wraps and pop-up tents. Contact us to learn more about our products and services. You’ll be glad you did!

~Tony Johnson
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