Maybe if we all had the power to read each other’s minds, the sales process and the trade show world would be transformed. Sadly, we don’t.

But, if I could give you one gift in today’s post, it would be this: most trade show attendees feel that they are the smartest, most important, most influential people to ever grace your booth.

Smartlink Displays Trade Show Attendees

Trade show attendees have lots in common, but this one really matters:

While not every person you meet at a tradeshow will automatically fall into this category, it does apply to 98% of them.

So, what do you do about the hoards of prospective clients clamoring in your booth thinking their business is the only business on the planet?

It’s basic stuff from Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. How do you become the most interesting person in the room? You become fascinated with everyone else in the room.

There is a common misunderstanding when you set up at your first trade show and assume that attendees are coming to see you. They are not. They are there to get something for themselves.

It’s Not about You

This reminder is my simple gift to you: it’s not about you. You can just do the job of running the best trade show event in the history of trade show events, because there is no room for your ego along with everyone else’s.

Just be interested in meeting and helping as many people as possible, and the doors will open. Then comes the work of following through with all those leads!

If you are interested in reading more advice on trade shows, visit our blog!

~Tony Johnson

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