Absolutely! Are you one of those tradeshow travelers who packs and ships boxes of printed materials to each trade show you attend? Have you noticed how much you are spending on shipping all that paper? Have you daydreamed about the day you can finally attend a paperless tradeshow?
Have you noticed how heavy those boxes of paper really are? Do you have a massage therapist on retainer? Maybe you just wish you did!
While you may not be able to go completely green overnight, we can think of two genius ideas that will put paperless trade shows in your future sooner than you think!
Two Smart and Paper Free Ideas
In order to go paperless, we need to employ the right technology. Here are two ways to ditch the paper and still get your brand’s message across, loud and clear.
Flashdrives. If you factor in how much you are spending on printing and funnel that amount into an investment in branded flash drives, you can load them with all sorts of engaging material… the sky’s the limit: videos of client testimonials, brochures that you can let them print at their leisure. Think of this as a virtual and reusable business card. Bonus: It also doubles as a pretty practical give-a-way! All I’m saying is… Two birds, one stone!
QR codes. These codes are pretty inexpensive to create and can help lead your potential customers further into your brand without any paper! While they do need a smartphone with the QR reader app, a quick snap of the code can lead them to your website, a landing page, a special message or deal just for conference attendees. Get creative here. If they’ve clicked on the QR code, they are expecting to engage with your services!
Going Green
Imagine what you will do with all that time and energy you are not spending on carting around boxes of paper brochures!
For all sorts of inspiration and ideas of ways that we can help you take your tradeshow to the greenest level, visit our gallery! We love helping companies think outside the box!
~Tony Johnson